Do you want life insurance but are afraid you don’t qualify? There is a way you can find out without any financial obligation and no record of your inquiry being made to the Medical Information Bureau, which tracks such things. Impaired Risk underwriting is more important now than ever, especially with companies clamping down and turning away more people than ever due to a variety of reasons, most notably low interest rates and the fact that no one wants to take an in-person physical right now, due to Covid risk.
Here is what can be done. Contact me and I will take your information down. With your written permission, I will send it on, where it will get shopped to a variety of companies. What comes back are the offers, and we can then pursue the best one. That way, you can be assured the entire marketplace has seen you and you will be getting the best deal possible.
If nothing comes back that suits your needs and your pocketbook, it’s “no harm, no foul”. You don’t owe anyone a cent and the record of your inquiry vanishes, because it’s not an official application.
It matters not if you have already been turned down by someone else. Underwriting is weird. I had a case last month where an applicant was turned down by an insurance company because she had 2 suicide attempts as a teenager, even though she is now in her 30s. We got her standard rates with another well known company. Another client was issued standard rates because of his height-weight ratio. The guy is built like a brick… well, you know. We got him preferred rates with another carrier.
Underwriting is an art form, more than anything else. A lot of things go into the final decision and not all are scientific. True story: Many years ago we had a client apply fora multi-million policy and get turned down because an investigation showed he was purchasing a case of Jim Beam every week. We found another underwriter at a company who was also an alcoholic and approved him standard.
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