by Art Rossetti | Jun 26, 2021 | Car Insurance
What strategies can I use to find affordable auto insurance coverage from a reputable carrier? Shop, shop, shop. You should look around every 2-3 years. You never know which carrier is buying business, and which would like to dump some. They ALL do...
by Art Rossetti | Jun 19, 2021 | Car Insurance
Why consider full coverage car insurance, as opposed to liability only?It depends on both the value of the car and your financial situation. For example, a $5,000 car may not seem a likely candidate for full coverage, but if your financial situation is such that...
by Art Rossetti | Jun 12, 2021 | Car Insurance
The quotes you receive from car insurance companies might have absolutely nothing to do with you, your car, or your driving record. It could have everything to do with the insurance company’s target markets and/or reserves versus liability ratio. If an...
by Art Rossetti | Jun 5, 2021 | Car Insurance
Age is one factor that might raise your car insurance rates, especially if you’re older. Some companies love senior drivers, others hate them. Another factor is the type of car you drive. Some companies will view a car with more power than average much differently...
by Art Rossetti | Feb 19, 2021 | Life Insurance
Do you want life insurance but are afraid you don’t qualify? There is a way you can find out without any financial obligation and no record of your inquiry being made to the Medical Information Bureau, which tracks such things. Impaired Risk underwriting is more...
by Art Rossetti | Feb 12, 2021 | Health Insurance, Life Insurance
If you have been debating getting life insurance, now is the time for a variety of reasons, some good, some bad. Here are the good reasons first… > Almost all insurance companies are not asking for physical exams on applications for less than $1 million,...
by Art Rossetti | Feb 5, 2021 | Home Care
Want to avoid nursing homes? Good idea. According to Morningstar, less than 1% of the US population lives in a long term care facility, but 40% of the Covid-19 deaths come from them. Even before the Corona Virus came along, pneumonia and influenza ran rampant in...
by Art Rossetti | Jan 29, 2021 | Investments
Why I think First Deeds of Trust are safe investments: When you own a First Deed of Trust, you’re as the bank, lending money to the property owner and putting your name in the first position on the deed. To begin with, never, ever loan more than 65% or so of...
by Art Rossetti | Jan 22, 2021 | Health
ATTENTION! Scientific proof the FOUR SECOND WORKOUT IS EFFECTIVE!! I ain’t lying. Scientists took a group of people, ages 50-68, and measured the results. They’d get on a special stationary bike and, using the concept of High Intensity Interval Training...
by Art Rossetti | Jan 15, 2021 | Annuities, Life Insurance, Long Term Care
It depends entirely on your goals and attitudes. The person comfortable with an annuity wants guarantees. The principal is guaranteed and so is the income it will generate. If you’re in an annuity, it doesn’t matter one bit what the stock...
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