by Art Rossetti | Jan 15, 2021 | Annuities, Life Insurance, Long Term Care
It depends entirely on your goals and attitudes. The person comfortable with an annuity wants guarantees. The principal is guaranteed and so is the income it will generate. If you’re in an annuity, it doesn’t matter one bit what the stock...
by Art Rossetti | Jan 5, 2021 | Home Care, Long Term Care
Yes! You can purchase a bundle of hours to pay someone to come to your home and help you out. Bundles start at $95 per month for 1500 hours and go up from there. There are significant discounts for paying annually, and husbands and wives who buy the coverage...
by Art Rossetti | Jan 2, 2021 | Life Insurance, Long Term Care
You and I both know you should have it. What stops most people are the following concerns: If I never use it, all that premium money will have been wasted. To answer that concern, insurance companies developed hybrid life/long term care policies that make sure...
by Art Rossetti | Dec 27, 2020 | Long Term Care
Most basic is how they pay out benefits. It’s universal that a medical professional has to certify that you cannot do two of the six Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) which are: bathing yourselfdressing yourselfambulatory… ability to sit, stand...
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