Yes!  You can purchase a bundle of hours to pay someone to come to your home and help you out. Bundles start at $95 per month for 1500 hours and go up from there.  There are significant discounts for paying annually, and husbands and wives who buy the coverage together get a significant additional discount. 

I only deal with one company who offers this service, because they have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, earned over a 14-year period.  After you sign up, premiums go down by 10% each year you do not use the coverage, so someone who signs up and does not use their benefits for four years will see their premium drop to $57 per month over those four years.

Another advantage is that, unlike Long Term Care, you don’t have to qualify by being unable to perform two of the six Activities of Daily Living.  If you need help, then you need help.  Benefits can be started whenever you say so.