ATTENTION! Scientific proof the FOUR SECOND WORKOUT IS EFFECTIVE!! I ain’t lying. Scientists took a group of people, ages 50-68, and measured the results.  They’d get on a special stationary bike and, using the concept of High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T), they’d go all out for four seconds then rest for 56 seconds.  The results showed that if you had a total of one minute of H.I.I.T, 15 bursts of 4 seconds, just 3 times a week, the results were astounding.  In 2 months the subjects gained 10% strength, lost weight and reduced the rest time between H.I.I.T. bursts to 30 seconds.  They recognized that not everyone has access to the special bike, so they theorized it might take an 8-second burst on a regular bike.  As long as you added up to 1-minute of H.I.I.T., they believe it’ll work.  I have been doing this since I read about it in early January and it’s working  for me.  They also said it does not need be riding a bike. It could be full body extensions or something else you do at home. Read the article here.  

A second study of 8 subjects showed sitting all day can hurt your metabolism and make your triglyceride levels higher even 2-3 days after sitting.  It suggested frequent 4 second bursts of energy, such as running in place as hard as you can or going from squat to fully standing up with arms over your head as many times as you can in 8 seconds.  From a sitting position, you can do 7-8 arm raises as fast as and as hard as you can, holding 1 or 2 lb weights. Here is a YouTube video that shows what it looks like from a standing position. Start it at the 1 minute mark.  Do this for 8 seconds, then rest 30-40 seconds.  Repeat it, until you have 1 minute of high intensity effort.   It may not be a miracle, but it will improve your health.