Want to Avoid Nursing Homes?

Want to avoid nursing homes?  Good idea.   According to Morningstar, less than 1% of the US population lives in a long term care facility, but 40% of the Covid-19 deaths come from them. Even before the Corona Virus came along, pneumonia and influenza ran rampant in...

First Deeds of Trust

Why I think First Deeds of Trust are  safe investments:  When you own a First Deed of Trust, you’re as the bank, lending money to the property owner and putting your name in the first position on the deed. To begin with, never, ever loan more than 65% or so of...

Build Health with 4 Second Workout!

ATTENTION! Scientific proof the FOUR SECOND WORKOUT IS EFFECTIVE!! I ain’t lying. Scientists took a group of people, ages 50-68, and measured the results.  They’d get on a special stationary bike and, using the concept of High Intensity Interval Training...